Midwest Fasteners, Inc. Eagle Specification Sheet Description Please inquire about availability in your region. Stud Diam. Range 14 ga. - 1/4" dia. Weld Rate Up to 20 per min. Input 115 VAC20 amps60 Hz Ground Cable 1 - #4 x 15 ft. Guns Available Dimensions 8-1/2" H x 10" W x 13" D(excluding handle) Weight 26 lbs. Warranty 3 years parts and labor Compare Midwest Fasteners, Inc. Eagle with Compare to...HBS CDi 1502HBS CDi 2302HBS CDi 3102HBS CDMi 2402HBS CDMi 3202HBS Pegasar 500 accuMidwest Fasteners, Inc. CD100Midwest Fasteners, Inc. CD80Midwest Fasteners, Inc. SureShot IIMidwest Fasteners, Inc. TalonNelson Pinnacle NCD+ 500bPro Weld CD-212Pro Weld CD-312Pro Weld CD-512 Please refer to the operator's manual before using.